Category (en-gb)

The IC TE1 "Zippilli-Noè Lucidi" is among the 1,212 schools that, at European level, received the 2018-2019 eTwinning School Certificate in March 2019.
The principle behind this new certificate is that eTwinning wants to recognize and praise the participation, commitment and dedication not only of individual eTwinners, but of teams of teachers and managers within the same school.

Obtaining eTwinning School status means having completed a development path characterized by elements that can be concretely evaluated. It is not a competition, but a progress from one level to the next.

What does it mean to be an eTwinning School? Have considerable visibility at European level, be part of a European network of leading eTwinning schools; be recognized as a leader in the following areas:

digital practice
eSafety practice
innovative and creative approaches to pedagogy
promoting continuous professional development of staff
promoting collaborative learning practices for staff and students
Staff and leaders of award-winning schools will be invited to participate in dedicated professional development programs.

Dal 3 al 6 giugno 2024 si è svolta la mobilità all'Isola di Lesvos, in Grecia. Tre docenti e quattro alunni della scuola primaria e secondaria hanno partecipato alle attività:

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Nell'ambito del Progetto Erasmus Plus "EU Building Art Bridges" i docenti delle scuole partner italiana, greca e francese si sono incontrati a Lisbona, in Portogallo, per pianificare le attività.




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